Golden Harvest Mini Chicken Spring Roll 15 Pieces
Golden Harvest Mini Chicken Spring Roll 15 Pieces
নিয়মিত দাম
Tk 240.00 BDT
নিয়মিত দাম
বিক্রয় মূল্য
Tk 240.00 BDT
একক মূল্য
Golden Harvest Mini Chicken Spring Roll is light with crisp-crackly skin and small enough to enjoy in 4 bites. Incredible mouth watery flavor and stunning smell. The filling is also light, full of tender-crisp chicken taste, and distinguishes every single ingredient in the filling. Delicious and authentic. For breakfast or as a snack or light meal with served with a sauce. Country of Origin: Bangladesh
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পণ্যের বৈশিষ্ট্য
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উপকরণ এবং যত্ন
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মার্চেন্ডাইজিং টিপস
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